Tuesday, July 31, 2012


5 words: Jillian Michaels Kicked My ASS!!!

So thanks to my sister in law, I found that there are YouTube videos of workouts. This morning I (and the boys actually) completed Jillian's 30 day shred. It wasn't a hard workout, but it was exactly what I needed!! My legs are wicked sore right now, but I am do glad...changes are happening!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Epic fail???

Well, let just say that the title says it all. I haven't been very good during the month of July...at all! I am just as unhealthy as before, and I put back on the weight that I lost. Needless to say I feel like a yo-yo, and have no one to blame but myself!

The good thing about it though...everyday can be a day that you make a change! So today is another day, and I vow to be a better person than I was yesterday! Wow...got a little preachy there huh?? lol

There was something that Dennis and I did a year ago that made us so happy, organized, healthy (of both mind and body)...why oh why did we stop????

Here are the rules, put the debit cards down. Eat/drink only what you have in the house (or our parents house!!). Exercise everyday. Turn off the DVD player/Netflix and instead fold laundry, read a book, or do the dishes! Use a calendar. Use the envelope system (thanks Dave Barry!).

Simple rules...amazing outcomes!

Let's see if I can do better!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


OK....I am still here...

First of all, I have had the best two weeks of my summer yet!!  I watched my baby boy graduate from Pre-school, I took the boys camping twice, I went out of town with my hubby (and him alone) for the first time since our honeymoon, I spent time with awesome family, and great friends.  Everything was truly awesome.  If you are friends with me on facebook, feel free to look at the 150+ pictures (OMGOSH) that I uploaded. 

Second of all...I totally owe a picture of the boys burying me in the sand.  I have not lost anymore weight!  good news, I haven't gained any back, but still... SO I am back on the wagon...or is it off the wagon?  I don't understand that phrase.  Let's just say that I am back on track doing what I need to do to be healthy!!

While I was getting ready to go camping, I realized how much organization goes into the food prep alone.  As I was getting ready, I went shopping with a list of every meal that we would be having.  I also bought zip-lock bags.  Now, I usually don't buy them...I find them wasteful, and I don't like that I can't reuse them.  HOWEVER, it makes prepping camping food so simple!  As I was chopping my veggies, and marinating my chicken, I had an 'aha' moment.  Why the heck was I not doing this every week???  Dennis and I recycle, we buy local when we can afford to, we grow our own veggies, we unplug when we are not using, I bike to work, Dennis walks to work....I can buy zip-lock bags darn it!!!

So on Sunday, I went grocery shopping.  In my head I knew the meals that I was going to plan for.  When I got home, I took out my new best friend and I separated the meats (or just took them out of the packaging) and I put them in marinades.  I peeled, washed, and chopped my veggies (including my potatoes) divided them up, added EVOO, salt, and pepper.  Now, when I am exhausted after spending the day at the beach (rough life, I know), I can come home and just cook...without the hassle of the prep-work.  Plus, it really saves on my dishes!  This week we are having a variety of squash, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots for veggies.  Everything from grilled chicken, to tacos, to steak, and turkey burgers.  Oh, and a salad for lunch every day, with fresh lettuce from my garden!!  As a bonus, my fridge looks organized!! (until you move stuff and see the back of the fridge...SCARY! lol

Happy summer everyone!!  Here is to being healthy!!!
