Monday, July 30, 2012

Epic fail???

Well, let just say that the title says it all. I haven't been very good during the month of all! I am just as unhealthy as before, and I put back on the weight that I lost. Needless to say I feel like a yo-yo, and have no one to blame but myself!

The good thing about it though...everyday can be a day that you make a change! So today is another day, and I vow to be a better person than I was yesterday! a little preachy there huh?? lol

There was something that Dennis and I did a year ago that made us so happy, organized, healthy (of both mind and body)...why oh why did we stop????

Here are the rules, put the debit cards down. Eat/drink only what you have in the house (or our parents house!!). Exercise everyday. Turn off the DVD player/Netflix and instead fold laundry, read a book, or do the dishes! Use a calendar. Use the envelope system (thanks Dave Barry!).

Simple rules...amazing outcomes!

Let's see if I can do better!


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