Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 1

Well, its been a year since I started my original goals.  I ended up doing really good for about a month and a half.  I lost thirty pounds and 2 sizes.  But I also put 15 pounds back on and feel like crap again.  It wasn't all that difficult to lose the weight.  It was an attitude adjustment and a lifestyle change.  Well, I think that my previous attempt was a failure since I didn't stick with it.  This time, I am hoping it will be different.

Even though I have been reting to get back on track for a few weeks, I am considering this day 1.  Today I am tracking EVERYTHING that I eat.  For those of you who dont keep a food journal, I highly reccomend it!  Not only does it track what you are eating, but it makes your decisions of what to eat really simple.  They have free online trackers that make it so simple.  I use  I can set goals and they recommend how many calories to consume as well as break it down to carbs proteins and fats.  I can also track my fitness should I chose. 

So far today, I have had a yogurt and some water.  I didn't have any coffee (which probably accounts for why I am grumpy!), but I will have some this afternoon when I go to work.  I have no idea what I am going to have for lunch and dinner, and I am sure that it isn't going to be good.  It's Memorial day for goodness sakes!!  I will try do my best, but tomorrow I will report if I was successful.  WAIT!  What the hell!!!  Just because it is a holiday weekend, doesn't mean that I have to be a gross pig!  Memorial Day is a holiday to honor and remember those who have served for our Country.  It is not a holiday celebrating how many burgers I can eat!  This is summer, a time to eat fresh fruits and veggies!  I will make a nice salad for dinner to bring to work.  I can bring some strawberries and almonds for dessert and a snack.  Perfect!  For lunch I can eat a hamburger (without the bun) and some grilled veggies.  I can do this!!

I am not running today since I ran the past two days, and I am actually beat.  But I am riding my bike to and from work!

So, I guess I am off!  This time will be different...this time I am going to make a change.  I am going to be a healthy person who my kids can look at and be proud of.  This is going to work!

See ya tomorrow!
xoxo Becky


  1. Miss Becky you inspire me to lose my last 15! I think I will wait until tomorrow though as I gaze at the leftovers in the fridge.

  2. since I am to lazy to actually blog myself, I will hold myself accountable on yours, lol. i rode my bike 15 miles today, had a strawberry/banana/blueberry smoothie made with applejuice, and am bringing a turkey wrap w/lettuce and cucumbers to work, with a yogurt, and cheez its. I love carbs to much to not have reduced fat cheez its. ;)

  3. I love you mom! You have done amazing!! Kelly, I wish I liked to bike ride...I just use it as transportation!
